Nutritional, Superfood
1 lb
Perfect marinated and added to salads or used as decorative garnish for seafood entrees. Add to sweet pickled vegetables. For an unusual salad, blend a small amount of chili oil, sesame oil and soy sauce in a mixing bowl. Adjust quantities to desired taste. Add chopped fresh red ogo and lightly toss. If desired, sprinkle with red chili flakes. Serve as a side dish, salad or as an appetizer. To protect crispy texture, rinse in cold fresh water just before use to remove much of ogo’s salty personality. Dipping in boiling water for ten seconds also diminishes saltiness and brightens the color, however, the crisp texture is reduced. Boiling water is recommended for pickling applications. To store, keep covered in a dark area up to five days. Do not store in fresh water as water will reduce shelf life and the nutritional benefits. Only rinse or prepare just before use.